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We work to help our clients achieve results that improve health systems, services, and, ultimately, people’s lives.

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Found 252 results

Strengthening Pharmacy Provision of Contraceptives in Kenya

inSupply Health is pleased to announce the launch of the Strengthening Pharmacy Provision of Contraceptives in Kenya project funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). The project aims to develop and test the viability and scalability of a pharmacy business model that offers customers convenient, discrete, quality counseling, training, and provision of contraceptive…

IAPHL Donations

This project account is designated for receipt of donated funds to IAPHL from external funders.

Technical Assistance from JSI to Mozambique for Malaria Vaccine Introduction and Scale-Up

JSI supports the Country Programmes Delivery Team and the Expanded Programme on Immunization at the Ministry of Health (MoH) in the successful planning, introduction, and scale-up of the malaria vaccine in Mozambique.

Family Planning Access Program (2018-2023)

Since 2013, JSI has leveraged its over 30 years of leadership in health supply chain management to monitor various family planning (FP) pharmaceutical agreements negotiated by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (the Foundation) with manufacturers. These agreements were enacted under the Family Planning 2020 initiative (FP2020) to reduce the public sector purchase price of…

Gavi Ethiopia PEF/TCA 2021

This project built on past technical assistance JSI had been providing to the MoH with the following objectives: Develop clear strategies and guidelines to allow the Ethiopian EPI to address zero-dose and under-immunized children continually through the routine system, including through the development of a national zero-dose strategy and catch-up vaccination guidelines; Strengthen collaboration and develop…

Gavi Haiti PEF Urban Immunization

JSI is working in coordination with the EPI and other partners to accomplish urban immunization activities that serve as complementary interventions conducted collaboratively and in synergy with one another. Of these, the main intervention areas include coaching and supervisory visits; addressing under-immunization; coordination with EPI and the community; and an assessment of activities implemented by…

Clean Cities, Blue Ocean (CCBO)

Clean Cities, Blue Ocean (CCBO) is USAID’s global flagship program for combatting ocean plastics. CCBO enhances solid waste solutions and recycling systems; promotes social and behavior change for sustainable reduce, reuse, and recycle (3Rs) practices; improves governance; and forges strategic partnerships with the private sector. CCBO, led by Tetra Tech, addresses ocean plastics pollution and focuses on reducing ocean plastics directly at their…

Gavi RISE HSS3 2023

Work with the Country Programmes Team in strengthening the delivery of immunization programs and services in India. As a result of the rapid changes in the routine immunization program and the impacts of COVID-19, traditional classroom training approaches are unable to meet the real-time learning needs of the health workers necessary to maintain and improve…

Gavi Ethiopia CDS3 2023

This project supports the Country Programmes (High Impact Countries) Team – Ethiopia Country Team through technical assistance to the Ethiopia Ministry of Health (MoH) to accelerate COVID-19 vaccination of high and highest-risk populations, rapid delivery scale-up to reach country targets for adult vaccination and integration of C19 and routine immunization. This work is funded through…

Empowering Communities Activity

The goal of USAID Empowered Communities Activity (ECA) is to strengthen community systems to improve health and nutrition outcomes. To that end, community-level health literacy and engagement, capacity strengthening of non-state actors (NSAs), creating accountability across actors and systems in the health sector, and strengthening service delivery skill are critical targets for ECA. The Activity…

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