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Almost half of the world's population is at risk of contracting malaria. In 2015, according to WHO’s 2016 World Malaria Report, there were 212 million malaria cases and an estimated 429,000 malaria deaths. The malaria focus area of the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT provided technical assistance to the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to reduce the burden of malaria worldwide, particularly in Africa. Our malaria work under the project was guided by three objectives:

  1. Improve, implement, and expand USAID’s provision of antimalarial commodities to country programs
  2. Strengthen in-country supply systems and their capacity for managing antimalarial commodities
  3. Improve global supply and the availability of antimalarial commodities.

Each year, the project significantly expanded the volume and range of products procured, approximately doubling the value of products procured each year. From 2011 to 2016, the project procured commodities worth over $936 million, including 280 million RDTs, 148 million LLINs, and 326 million malaria treatments, and delivered them to 27 countries.

The project also improved supply chain system performance (providing technical assistance in 26 countries), increased the visibility of stock data at all levels, strengthened accountability for the products managed, bridged the gap between key supply chain entities, and built capacity to sustain performance. We reduced stockout rates of key malaria commodities, contributing to improvements in malaria case management and malaria case outcomes, and ultimately supporting reductions in malaria-related morbidity and mortality.

For its malaria work, the project’s partners included 3i Infotech, Inc.; Crown Agents USA, Inc.; FHI 360; Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics; Logenix International, LLC; The Manoff Group, Inc.; MEBS Global Reach, LC; PATH; Imperial Health Sciences; Population Services International; Social Sectors Development Strategies, Inc.; UPS Supply Chain Solutions, Inc.; and VillageReach.

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