PMI Measure Malaria

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Success in malaria control must build on progress made over the past decade while considering new challenges. New approaches and more cost-effective interventions are needed—along with tools and guidance to leverage the evidence of what is working.

To reduce malaria cases and deaths, reliable surveillance, monitoring, and evaluation (SME) systems depend upon data being of high quality so they can be relied upon. These data need to be available to all levels of health systems to support program implementation.

The PMI Measure Malaria project is funded by the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through MEASURE Evaluation at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Through the project, JSI, will strengthen the national HIS and improve use and analysis of malaria data. Specifically, the project aims to:

  1. Strengthen country-level capacity to collect, analyze, and use routine malaria health data;
  2. Improve country-level ability to manage health information systems (HIS) to serve malaria needs; and
  3. Adapt and develop tools for these ends and share among malaria stakeholders the approaches needed and gains made.

PMI Measure Malaria provides a central point to gather the best thinking on malaria SME to strengthen program and policy decision making to help reduce disease burden.


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