Engaging Frontline Health Workers in the Acceptance and Uptake of the COVID-19 Vaccine






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Preparing countries for COVID-19 vaccine rollout means ensuring frontline healthcare workers are equipped with the technical capacity and confidence to provide the COVID-19 vaccine and engage with the community. As early, priority vaccine recipients and vaccinators, demand for and acceptance of COVID-19 vaccine among health workers and other priority groups will significantly influence the success of vaccine introduction and broader implementation. Frontline healthcare workers require capacity-building support in advance of the vaccine rollout; access to decision and job aids to prioritize eligible vaccine recipients, and; tailored messaging to reach diverse community contexts and minimize rumors and misinformation.

Through this project and together with partners, including UNICEF, JSI contributed to the development of the WHO's COVID-19 vaccination training for health workers course. This course will increase frontline health worker uptake and satisfaction with the vaccine as early, priority recipients, and improve frontline health workers’ ability to communicate with priority groups and caregivers and endorse COVID-19 vaccination. 

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