East Boston Youth Vape Prevention Training and Campaign



The East Boston Neighborhood Health Center


United States

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During the summer and fall of 2020, JSI partnered with East Boston Neighborhood Health Center to co-create a vaping prevention campaign designed by East Boston youth for their peers. JSI facilitated three two-hour co-design workshops with East Boston youth  to review the core components of advertising campaigns, responsible digital citizenship, and creative approaches to public health prevention messaging. JSI introduced concepts of behavior change and marketing and understanding the influence of media to empower these student marketers. At the end of the workshop series, East Boston youth developed a campaign creative brief, including key messages, campaign channels, and sample imagery for the prevention campaign.

In 2021, JSI is supporting East Boston youth as they implement the campaign designed in year one. EASTIE Coalition youth made some updates to the campaign and created “Eastie Won’t Vape” a 2021-2022 social marketing campaign for local youth. Individuals from this new cohort are learning the discrete skills for placing, monitoring and evaluating their campaign. Some are content creators. They can also select potential Student-Marketers and Influencers/Brand Ambassadors from the larger coalition. Part of next year's planning will encourage these youth to commit to sharing their knowledge with the next group or staying engaged through the campaign.


The goal of this project is to facilitate the design of a vaping prevention campaign created by East Boston youth for East Boston youth. 

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