Chronic Conditions



CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,NH DHHS Division of Public Health Services


United States

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In 2021, JSI was awarded a multi-year contract by New Hampshire Chronic Disease Section with the NH Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health Services. This contract builds on previous contracts with the primary purpose of expanding the capacity and ability of the workforce to educate and intervene with NH residents with chronic conditions. This contract originally included 6 sources of funding with a 7th source of funding added mid-fiscal year.

In the second full year of the contract (July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022), JSI developed and coordinated multiple learning opportunities and health promotion materials to improve access to and participation in various evidence-based programs. These include:

  • Contract management for an annual budget of $362,241
  • Developed and coordinated an in-person event with a total of 93 participants reaching healthcare providers and pharmacists
    • More time to Care: Leveraging Pharmacists For Better Patient Outcomes
  • Coordinated and hosted 3 virtual events reaching over 425 participants:
    • Public Information Meeting to Address Cancer Cluster
    • Prevention With Pride: Delivering LGBTQ+ Competent Care
    • NH Collaborative Practice Agreement Workshop
  • Coordinated the provision of continuing education credits for professional development
  • Developed promotion for virtual workshop for Cardiovascular Disease Outpatient Education
  • Wrote, designed and produced a program brochure and rack card for consumers and translated into Portuguese, Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese
  • Created 2 consumer infographics and revised clinic forms for providers and translated into Spanish
  • Created print advertisements to reach LGBTQ consumers, healthcare providers, pharmacists, nurses and others
  • Purchased goods and retained services for a total amount of $192,000

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