Where we Work

South Sudan

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JSI first worked in greater Sudan with the Resources for Child Health (REACH) program, which analyzed the cost-effectiveness of immunization services in the country in the early 1990s. Since then, JSI has worked in Sudan to increase access to services surrounding reproductive and child health, and HIV&AIDS, malaria, trachoma, and other infectious disease prevention and treatment. In 2004, JSI implemented the Sudan Health Transformation Project, which was USAID’s first health project in post-conflict Southern Sudan, and began the task of rebuilding the health system and improving health services delivery in 20 counties. Most of the work of the project included continuing grants to international NGOs which had been providing health services in the war-torn south. In addition, a package of essential high-impact services was provided at county level, and JSI worked with communities to increase their involvement in seeking health services. All these activitis were conducted during the conflict-to-development period of 2004-2009.

From 2009-2012, JSI continued to strengthen the health system in Wau County in the north under the SHTP II project. Working intimately with the county and state health departments, JSI was responsible for improving service delivery in 12 health centers, and improving capacity of the Ministry of Health to implement direct services in Wau County.

Through the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT, JSI worked with other key development partners to support the Ministry of Health to rebuild its supply chain of essential medicines and malaria commodities. The Project supported the MOH in strengthening the central medical store, including all key storage activities. JSI has also procured, imported, stored, and distributed essential medicines and malaria commodities to all counties in South Sudan under the Essential Medicines Fund project.

South Sudan Placeholder
South Sudan

Years of Experience

JSI has been working in South Sudan since 2011.



JSI has implemented more than 21 projects in South Sudan.