Where we Work

Côte d’Ivoire

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JSI has deep, long-term experience strengthening various elements of the health system in Côte d’Ivoire. We first began working to improve family planning services through the USAID-funded Family Planning Service Expansion and Technical Support (SEATS) Program, launched in 1995. And for 15 years, the DELIVER Project provided supply chain management support for family planning, HIV, AIDS, infectious diseases, including TB and Avian Influenza commodities to the Ministry of Health.

Since 2004, through the MEASURE Evaluation project, we have has worked with the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene (MSHP) to build capacity for district-level data collection and management; harmonize health indicators; standardize data collection tools; increase the availability and quality of data; and increase the use of information for decision making at district and regional levels.

 We have strengthened the routine health information system and today data are available in the national DHIS2 web platform and can be accessed nationwide, across levels, down to hospitals. We continue to provide technical support for the eLMIS and are currently working on interoperability between the ARV electronic medical records system and DHIS2.

The AIDSFree project also helped build capacity in-country partners, strengthening their skills and systems in financial management, donor compliance, project reporting, and monitoring and evaluation. AIDSFree worked to ensure that HIV-positive people were effectively and efficiently linked to clinical community treatment centers, with a focus on returning those who were lost to follow-up to treatment and care. The team provided treatment literacy on viral load suppression to community providers, patients, family members, and caregivers.

 In short, we helped strengthen the performance and management of the country’s HIS while also building local partner capacity and increasing access to high-quality service delivery.

Cote dIvoire Placeholder
Cote dIvoire

Years of Experience

JSI has been working in Cote d’lvoire since 1995.



JSI has implemented more than 22 projects in Cote d’lvoire.


Staff Members

Currently, 12 staff work in Cote d’lvoire.

Côte d’Ivoire PROJECTS

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Côte d’Ivoire NEWS & STORIES


JSI Represents at the Global Digital Health Forum


Francophone Africa Summit for Social and Behavior Change


MEASURE Awarded More than $35 Million to Improve TB Data

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