united states Expertise

Community Health Centers


Improving the Management of Community Health Centers

A group of women enjoying the outcomes of a stronger community health care center.Federally qualified health centers provide critical access and care to high-need, medically complex, and isolated populations while running responsive, highly complex—yet nimble—organizations. We work closely with these safety net providers to navigate operational and managerial issues as well as national and state health care reform.

Through practice-based transformation strategies, we support health center teams to provide higher quality care. We also work with health centers to transition to value-based payment environments by offering tools, training, and learning collaboratives. We offer guidance, based on years of experience, to set up governance structures, streamline daily operations, improve financial management, develop strategic plans, and prepare for operational site visits.


Operational & Financial Management
We have the expertise to guide health centers to transform how care is delivered and paid for by seeking patient-centered medical home recognition, integrating care systems, developing team-based care, and assessing and creating value-based payment arrangements.

Strategic Planning
We provide a structured, yet flexible, approach to strategic planning. The process includes internal and external environment analysis, SWOT analysis, and retreat facilitation. The result is a practical plan to fulfill the organization’s mission and accomplish its goals.

Needs Assessment & Program Planning
Our data-driven approach assesses local health status, behaviors, and needs while digging deeper to understand health disparities and social determinants of health in the community. We translate the data to guide program development and strategic growth, positioning health centers to better meet its community’s health care needs.

Operational Site Visit Preparation
We have developed processes and tools to emulate the Health Resources and Services (HRSA) Operational Site Visit. Pre-operations assessments are conducted by senior consultants who have been on HRSA site-visit teams.

Board Training & Development
We offer training and technical assistance to ensure that organizations have the best possible leadership. This includes guidance on meeting health center program requirements, recruiting board members, incorporating federal and state health policy initiatives, and structuring and managing an efficient and effective board.

Social Media & Community Outreach
We bring a unique blend of expertise in health literacy, cultural competency, and use of social media for outreach and engagement that reinforces the health center’s value, amplifies health promotion efforts, and builds relationships with a wider audience.

Grant Writing
Our expertise in grant writing combined with extensive knowledge of the Health Center Program result in competitive applications for Section 330 grants, Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) look-alike designations, and local, state, and federal funding opportunities. We develop clear, persuasive proposals and review draft proposals written by your health centers to ensure compliance with all requirements.

We work to improve immunization rates, particularly among those populations that face the biggest challenges in accessing health care. Learn more.

Partner with Us

We strive to build lasting relationships to produce better health outcomes for all.